Collection: 🍝 Pasta, Grain & Soup

These pastas, grains and soups are both delicious and eco-friendly! Eat-up!

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Take A Sustainability Deep Dive

Pasta and grains can be a sustainable staple of any household, you've just got to know what to look for:

Mindful Farming: Conventional grain production often relies on intensive farming practices that can deplete soil health and contribute to water pollution through fertilizer runoff. Sustainable alternatives prioritize regenerative agriculture. These methods focus on techniques like cover cropping and crop rotation which improve soil fertility, reduce water usage, and promote biodiversity.

Ancient Grains: Check out ancient grains like einkorn, farro, and spelt. These heritage varieties are not only delicious but also often require less water and fewer pesticides compared to modern wheat varieties.

Grow Local: Opting for locally grown grains reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Look for brands that partner with regional farmers.

Whole Grains: Refined grains have been stripped of their bran and germ, which are nutrient-rich and contain fiber. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat pasta offer more nutrients and promote healthy digestion, making them a win-win for your body and the environment.

Minimal Processing & Packaging: Sustainable brands often minimize processing, preserving the natural goodness of the grains. Additionally, look for packaging that uses recycled materials or is easily recyclable. Some brands even offer bulk options to further reduce waste.

By making informed choices and considering these factors, you can transform your pasta night into a celebration of sustainability.

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