Collection: ⚡ Healthy Snacks

These organic, healthy snacks use real ingredients sourced from sustainable farms that avoid harmful chemicals. Some even make use of food that would otherwise go to waste! 

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Take A Sustainability Deep Dive

Food Waste: Nearly 40% of the food in the US goes to waste, oftentimes before it hits your plate. If we're not going to use all the food we grow, the least we can do is find another use for it. A lot of these snacks do just that!

Chemical Free: The more food you waste, the more you need to grow to feed everyone. That leads to a vicious cycle of pesticides, fertilizers, and unsustainable irrigation. These healthy snacks are organic and pesticide free, so they avoid toxic chemicals and employ growing practices that work with nature, not against it.

Regeneratively Grown: A lot (but not all) of these snacks are regeneratively grown, which means, they employ practices that support and restore the soil, as opposed to depleting it!

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